Anuncia公司. 选择亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔. 新总部进一步发展救生医疗技术

Move provides emerging leader in innovation with opportunity to scale and access R&D,生物科学 & 医疗生态系统人才

洛厄尔,质量.(2021年6月30日)——Anuncia公司., a therapeutic medical device company and an emerging leader in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) management innovation, 今天宣布将总部迁至斯科茨代尔, 亚利桑那州. and will operate at SkySong, the 亚利桑那州ona State University 斯科茨代尔 Innovation Center. The move is the first geographic expansion for the high growth medtech startup previously based in Massachusetts. With the new headquarters also comes a new management team of industry experts who coalesced to engineer elegant, intuitive solutions that address large unmet 临床 needs in the global hydrocephalus and other CSF disorders market.

Anuncia is the developer of the US FDA cleared and EU CE Marked commercial ReFlow™ Ventricular System designed to noninvasively unblock occluded ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts. As many as half of all intracranial VP shunts fail in the first two years, 主要是由于阻碍脑脊液流动. Failures often require emergency revision brain surgery, each costing upwards of $40,000. Early 临床 evidence with up to 3-year follow-up indicates Anuncia’s planned next generation ReFlow System Mini may uniquely prevent VP shunt malfunctions due to occlusions, 在家里或在诊所, 改善临床结果和生活质量, 在降低医疗成本的同时. 这是预防性治疗成功的初步临床证明 ReFlow helped the ReFlow Mini earn US FDA Breakthrough Device Designation earlier this year and an honorable mention in the health category of 快公司的 2021年改变世界的想法.

“随着我们的发展和扩大生产规模, our need to expand operations into the Southwest has been met with impressive support from the thriving Greater 凤凰城 biomedical community, which is anchored by numerous medical centers of excellence including the Barrow Neurological Institute, 梅奥诊所, 凤凰城儿童医院和各大大学. The warm welcome and support has been unparalleled and makes us feel 亚利桑那州ona is truly invested in our future. 在我们开启下一轮融资之际, we also look forward to working with new VC partners who believe in our mission and the future of Anuncia,艾莎·奇·阿布鲁佐评论道, Anuncia首席执行官.

入选医疗器械和诊断行业(MDDI)值得关注的私营医疗技术公司最终名单,’ Anuncia looks to scale utilizing Greater 凤凰城’s robust talent base to make hires in engineering, 临床, 制造业, 和金融. Anuncia’s strategic move to SkySong facilitates easy access and collaboration with local higher education institutions in their efforts to keep developing medical technologies that expand access to and deliver safe and effective therapy to the millions of patients globally suffering with life threatening conditions associated with CSF disorders.

“我们期待着欢迎Anuncia加入我们的成长, 斯科茨代尔蓬勃发展的医疗技术生态系统, and supporting them as they continue to create life-changing medical solutions,斯科茨代尔市长大卫·奥尔特加说. “Healthcare is one of the top industries in 斯科茨代尔 and SkySong is a hub for innovation, and I am confident that a rising industry leader such as Anuncia will find their new location to be a destination for ongoing and future success.”

“Anuncia’s move to SkySong is demonstrative of the ways in which ASU’s efforts to create and support groundbreaking technological collaborations is creating a dynamic medtech network with the potential for long- term societal, 教育和经济影响,格蕾丝·奥沙利文说, 副总统, 亚利桑那州立大学企业参与和战略合作伙伴关系.

“随着医疗保健的发展和健全, 医疗技术和可穿戴生态系统, Greater 凤凰城 has become a hub for advanced innovation that supports entrepreneurs in the development of lifesaving technology,克里斯·卡马乔说, 总统 & 大凤凰经济委员会的首席执行官. “We’re excited for Anuncia’s entry into the market and look forward to being a partner in their continued growth and success.”

科波拉-切尼集团和李 & 亚利桑那律师事务所协助房地产交易. 广场公司是天星的主开发商, 与大学房地产公司合作, 斯科茨代尔市和霍瓦罗亚公司.

For more information on the new corporate headquarters and Anuncia’s growth initiative, 请浏览他们的网站


Anuncia公司.目前总部位于亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔., is a privately held therapeutic medical device company and an emerging leader in treating conditions associated with cerebral spinal fluid disorders through innovative devices. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 The current ReFlow System is FDA cleared and CE Marked for use in the treatment of CSF disorders requiring shunting such as hydrocephalus by a qualified clinician to facilitate a safe, noninvasive retrograde fluid flush when ventriculoperitoneal shunt flow is restricted or blocked. The ReFlow System Mini and ReFlow Smart Shunt features are under development and not available for sale. The ReFlow System is a prescription device sold by or on the order of a physician.


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